Monday, March 21, 2011

And the result is...

Go ahead and pop the bottle of champagne open!

Yep, I have received confirmation few hours ago from my doctor that I'm officially in remission! So the long waiting game's finally over. However, to say that I'm a "cancer survivor" is a tad misleading (I couldn't resist saying this on facebook, tho!). The doctor said this kind of cancer has a tendency to relapse within next two years (pretty low odds, by the way). Therefore, I will still need to keep close eye on my health for next few years.

From now on, I will need regular check-up for every three months in next two years, then six months for few years after that, and then on yearly basis for rest of my life. The doctor stress that next two years are crucial, as the possibility of relapse is always there, but after two years, it's highly unlikely. So it ain't over, hun.

Nonetheless, I can breathe a bit easier knowing that my cancer cells are now dormant. Let's hope it'll be like that for rest of my life!

I believe the entries about my entire experience with cancer have come to a conclusion. However, I will still use this blog occasionally to express my nonsensical ranting. In fact, there are couple of blog entries before my whole ordeal with cancer. Some people got the impression that I started this blog to keep my family and friends in the loop regarding my health situation, when it wasn't the case. It's true that my blog was shifted to focus on my health dilemma, but now it's over with.

So time for my blog to returns to its original purpose. But the question remains the same: will I put this blog to good use? :) Feel free to keep on following me or discard me away like I'm milk that has been expired for two weeks. Whatever suits you the best.

Well, the journey is far from being over. Instead, it's just the beginning now.

Live long and live well, my family and friends. :)

til next time,
adam j.


  1. Hey Adam,

    I am glad to hear that you are doing well. You need to focus on your health comes first and keep fight and fight. I know you won't give up for that. *Smile*!

    Keep be strong and think positive. Remember eat right and exercise. Take it easy! :-)You are lucky to have support because you have family and friends who are there for you. Of course, I support you no matter what and be there for you. Keep your head up! :-D

  2. It just so happened that I decided to look at your blog today, not knowing you had posted something! Congrats on being remission and hoping it stays! Hugs friend. =)

  3. A big breath of relief, that's for sure- thank you for keeping us all updated and reminding us that cancer can punch any one of us, especially since nowadays society is saying 20-something people think they are immortal.. Glad you're in remission and wish you the best of health. God bless.
